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  1. Hi,

    Firstly, kudos for your blog. Coming from a front-end background i found it very helpful to understand the concepts and how to design better taking into account the physical design impacts. I wanted to request if you could add another topic to your list on the drive strength/fan out/ capacitance or resistance impacts and when to add the buffers/inverters optimally to meet the constraints with some examples.


  2. Hi

    I am very impressed about your blog,please explain about D-Algorthim and Scan chain Design and how it helps in dectection of fault in the desigb

  3. Hi,

    Also can you explain some of the basic concepts & checks to be done in the LEC/CLP or the PTPX Analysis

  4. Hi kindly can anyone tell about what is finsfit?....

  5. hi , we have different sign offs corners like fasthot , slowcold , typ , please explain about them and why is exactly timing simulations are needed , let me know !

  6. Hi Naman,
    can you explain about the timing between register <-> latches..? i.e. for all combinations,.

  7. Hi Nama,
    Thanks for sharing your ideas.
    I got this problem and do you have some ideas on how to
    solve this fifo depth calculation problem?

    What is the minimum FIFO size required here
    Writing Data = 80 DATA arrives in up to 100 Clocks
    Outgoing Data= 8 DATA is read in up to 10 Clocks
    Data write/read is done with bursts of 160 DATA

    The wording is throwing me off with the bursts.
